Posted by Bob on 7/26/2013 to

The New York Times reported in 2008, “There is a legitimate scientific reason for raising the issue. The flow of electrical current to the motor that moves a hybrid vehicle at low speeds (and assists the gasoline engine on the highway) produces magnetic fields, which some studies have associated with serious health matters, including a possible risk of leukemia among children.”
Recently, Forbes author, Andy Greenberg reports on a new auto hazard- the ability for hackers to attack your car, causing your brakes to fail, gauges to deceive you, horn to honk, and other serious hazards. See video below.
Since these attacks are done using wireless signals, there’s also the possibility of random interference causing havock on newer cars.
In 2010 Toyota when was in trouble with its braking system, the LA times reported, “The troubled automaker says it is moving closer to adopting changes to its keyless starter system, a potential factor in sudden acceleration.”
Also in 2010 an angry auto sales ex-employee in Austin Texas remotely shut down 100 cars by disabling them, setting off car alarms and forcing car owners to miss work, or have their cars towed.
For people buying a car, find an older model prior to 1995, and use a Trifield (ex100) meter to measure for EMF’s. Click here: EMF Wise to learn more about testing cars for EMF.