Original Source

“A Major Consumer Alert”

It is almost impossible to keep track of all of the smart meter fires and related safety issues. We jump from country to country and from state to state.  The latest issue is in Florida where Lakeland Electric will soon begin replacing 10,657 residential smart meters over concerns they might overheat, General Manager Joel Ivy said Tuesday, August 26th.

Are we seeing a domino effect within the industry?

Six of the meters have caught fire during the past year, Ivy said.  Early Tuesday, he said the utility was still deciding whether to replace the meters, but later in the day, he said the decision had been made.

Lakeland Mayor Howard Wiggs said Tuesday he was concerned about the issue of the overheating meters.

“It’s pretty significant,” Wiggs said.

In January, utility officials said the meter-related fires were caused by a loose base where meters are installed outside homes, not by the meters themselves.  Because of the loose metal, electricity jumps through an air gap, heat can develop and burning can occur, an official said then.

Now, it appears that might not have been the cause.

Ivy said Tuesday further tests have revealed that water can seep into a device, causing it to malfunction.

“There’s some melting of the sensors inside, the circuit boards melt and so we’re replacing them,” said Kevin Cook, a spokesman for the City of Lakeland.

Lakeland Electric has issued a press release with a questions and answers webpage at: http://www.lakelandelectric.com/YourUtility/NewsEvents/TabId/4086/PostId/781/lakeland-electric-replacing-8-of-digital-meters.aspx.

At this utility webpage, note the following statement:

“We have a reject rate of 12% for these meters.  Rejected meters are primarily those that don’t send or receive data or commands correctly.  Rejected meters include six (6) meters that have overheated [that is, caught on fire].”

Would it be too much to say that these smart meters are basically dangerous pieces of junk? …  Of course, the problem is, in this instance, Lakeland Electric is simply replacing one model of smart meter for another.

Watch the Video:  “A Major Consumer Alert” …

Lakeland Electric, FL Smart Meter Fires

[The above video contains material used pursuant to Fair Use Doctrine under 17 U.S.C. 107 and is presented in the public's interest for non-commercial purposes.]

For more information on how smart meters represent an increased fire risk to your home, refer to the following article:  Smart Meters Increase the Risk of Fires!


Source Material for this Blog Article:

WTSP Channel 10:  “Lakeland Electric to Replace Hazardous Meters” at  http://www.wtsp.com/story/news/local/2014/08/27/lakeland-electric-meter-fire-replacement/14694889/
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