Original Source (with additional exhibits)

August 21,2013
Mayor Mickey Perry
City Council Members
City Manager, Mr. Jim Thomas
Director of Electric Utility, Mr. Larry Hughes
c/o City of Claremore
104 South Muskogee
Claremore, Oklahoma 74017

RE: The truth about Smart Meters

Dear Mayor Perry, Council Members, and City Officials:

This letter is submitted to you with a request that you enter it upon the record as public comment for the coming council meeting on the evening of August 26, 2013. I would very much like to personally attend, but have a commitment to teach in Logan County my favorite subject, the U.S. Constitution. I am a Claremore native-born and raised in this wonderful city. My father. Harry H. Powers, served as City Clerk, Councilman, and Mayor of Claremore. I was educated in Claremore schools, worked on local ranches in the area and at radio station KWPR, when it was here. This city is full of my classmates, friends, and family. It is important to me.

Today I am an attorney. My wife and I have our own law firm. Powers At Law, LLC, in Edmond, Oklahoma. Our practice crosses the State of Oklahoma. We have a number of Oklahoma clients who have been injured by Smart Meters. They are injured by the radiation from these meters, and they have a right to seek redress for the grievances against them. I am hoping that at Monday night's meeting you will vote to make Claremore a wireless Smart Meter free zone and that you w i ll rescind some of your decisions on the wireless water and gas meters that you have already allowed to be installed in the city.

I do not say these things lightly. Two years ago, before I started to independently research Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR), I was a believer of the great lie: "These wireless devices are totally safe." Through careful listening and painstaking review of independent research, 1 learned that what is put out as public information is actually propaganda and public manipulation.

Here are some facts that you can validate. In the hearings before the Oklahoma Corporation Commission for OG&E's smart meter program, there was no mention of safety of the devices. The Commission simply accepted a report from OG&E's consultant, who regurgitates the FCC guidelines. These guidelines, or standards, claim that cell towers, Wi-Fi, smart-meters, etc. are safe because they do not raise the temperature of a thermometer stuck in a dummy's head that is exposed to transmissions from these devices. That's the science behind the safety of these devices. Most recently, in a Canadian Court, the Canadian Government, which has standards comparable to the FCC standards, admitted through its agent, who was on the witness stand, that Canadian standards do not protect biological life (people, animals, insects, plants); they satisfy thermal standards. To back up these claims, I have attached an article relative to the Canadian incident (see Exhibit 1), and I have provided a copy of an EPA letter from 2002, discussing the fact that the FCC standards are only thermal and do not adequately protect biological life and that they are too high for protection of people (see Exhibit 2).

The Bioiniative Report of 2012, (1,400+ pages) compiled by scientists from around the world, indicates that the FCC standards are at least a million times too high to be safe. A summary of this report by Ronald M. Powell PhD, is attached (see Exhibit 3). This report also indicates, among many other things, that 3% of the general population will sustain injury immediately from implementation of a meshed grid Wi-Fi smart meter system; 30% will follow later. This report is clear: wireless devices are harmful to all life.

One other point: Federal law requires smart meters to be an "opt-in" program. Despite what the Utilities and the Corporation Commission claim, I think you are capable of reading and understanding federal law, as I am. Please Read 16 USC Chapter 46, Public Utility Regulatory Policies, (Energy Act of 2005) Sec. 1252. Smart Metering (see Exhibit 4). This section has not been changed since it was implemented, and it clearly indicates that a customer must "request" such metering.

Bottom line, there is no safe level of radiation for you, for me, for our children or grandchildren. We should not consider such things as wireless smart meters. A decision by the Claremore City Council to approve Smart Meters will be a decision to kill the quality of life in Claremore, and make your citizens sick. I ask you to do your own independent research on this subject. Reject any consultant studies based on FCC standards and get to the truth. You have a chance to save your city from many illnesses, cancers, sleepless nights, all other maladies that come from Electro Magnetic Sensitivity and the liabilities that accrue there from. There are other options. The citizens of Claremore deserve protection from this radiation. You do not have a right to do wrong and are urged to keep wireless smart meters out of Claremore. Additionally, I have not addressed the fire hazards nor the Fourth Amendment Constitutional issues, which are as real and dangerous as the health issues and issues that you should be informed about also.

Thank you for allowing me to provide this information for your consideration. I hope you will preserve my hometown by disapproving these wireless meters. I would be pleased to talk to any of you if you have questions.

Don M Powers
Attorney At Law
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