Posted by Robert Daniel on 12/3/2015 to
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Our modern lives are full of technology that emits electromagnetic radiation. We don’t know is how this radiation is going to affect our health 20 years.

Author, researcher, and expert on electromagnetic health issues, Camilla Rees talks about some of what we do know now that is concerning and what steps we can take to reduce our exposure.
Epoch Times: Camilla, thank you so much for being here.
Camilla Rees: It’s wonderful to be here. Thank you for having me.
Epoch Times: Can you start off by explaining, what is electromagnetic radiation?
Ms. Rees: This is man-made energy that has a strength behind it and has frequency, and many different frequency possibilities. And so think of it as artificial energy, it’s artificial pulsing, and it is interacting with our bodies, because our bodies are electrical and cells run on electricity, the brain and heart are electrical.
But every single cell runs on electricity and this artificial source of energy that we get from a cell phone, or from Wi-Fi, or electricity even, it interacts with the harmony in our bodies, the natural balance of energies within ourselves and systems and body. And so it interferes with proper functioning.
Epoch Times: So there are several different kinds of electromagnetic fields. Can you explain what those are?
Ms. Rees: So down at the low-frequency end of the range, there are electric fields and magnetic fields, and those are considered low, in other words the frequencies might go very slowly. And then you go up the spectrum to what’s known as ‘dirty electricity’ it gets a little bit more frequent. And then when you go up to cell phones its much higher frequency.
And you go on and up to ultimately to nuclear at the other end of the electromagnetic spectrum.
So consumer appliances like cell phones, Wi-Fi, portable phones, and electronics in the home that emit electric and magnetic fields, there are many devices, more and more devices today that are emitting this radiation, more and more Wi-Fi that they’re putting in, not even stopping to think about what are the health effects.
Epoch Times: What kinds of machines or technology do we have in our homes that you see could be impacting our DNA?
Ms. Rees: Well first of all there’s the overuse of the cell phone technology, where we see people giving up their landlines, which is crazy, because landlines are hardwired and there’s no radiation issue.
So for most of the things people ought to be using more land, hardwired landlines. So you’ve got the cell phones, portable phones, a lot of people have portable phones by their bedsides not understanding that radiation is the very same as the cell phone. And it radiates in most phones constantly 24-hours a day, communicating with the handset.
So if you’re sleeping with one of those it could be the reason why you’re having impaired sleep or whatever, it’s there, it’s another source.
Wireless computer equipment, printers are one of the worst things. You should always hardwire a printer and deactivate the wireless software of the printer itself because those fields are very high.
Epoch Times: There are many things that we can do in our own homes to protect ourselves from electromagnetic radiation.
Ms. Rees: Best way is to get a meter, or to make sure somebody in your community has a meter and to be able to see what the levels actually are. So this is an electrosmog meter, and it tells you how much electromag—radio frequencies field—there are in the environment. This would pick up cell phones, Wi-Fi, portable phones, wireless computer equipment, anything, iPads. Anything that is emitting wireless radiation.
This is shielding fabric, it’s quite nice, it looks like linen, its fairly thin. The sun can shine through it and people use this for curtain linings at night and/or just curtains themselves
This is a silver mesh fabric that stretches, that is very effective and can really block.
Epoch Times: What’s in these fabrics that makes them shielding?
Ms. Rees: Metal. Metal blocks the electromagnetic field. So if you had a lead wall, you would block the electromagnetic fields completely. Like maybe at a hospital where they have an MRI machine or something.
So these have different degrees of copper and silver and different things woven into them so there’s enough resistance. Metal screens, window screens are sure helpful. Better than the nylon or plastic ones that they’re making today. They go a long way in blocking out the radiation. Metal blinds are going to be better than the plastic blinds for this reason. And this is for industrial applications.
If you’re building a house and you might want to put things like this in the walls but you have to be careful when you’re talking about shielding. Because while the radiation might bounce off the metal and not come through in to your home. You have to be careful that you’re not using any radiation in your home because if you did, then it’s going to be bounced from the inside and bouncing back at you and making things much worse.
So in today’s day-in-age, we need to be careful that we’re not using metal furniture. Metal furniture reflects. Metal garage doors. You could have a cell tower in a neighborhood reflecting off a garage door bouncing back into somebody else’s house. You want to—even metal eyeglasses. You want to wear plastic eyeglasses, because actually the eyes are one of the most sensitive areas of the body to this kind of radiation.
Epoch Times: How would you use a fabric like this for example?
Ms. Rees: That material that you have there is what’s inside this. And this is what I call a router wrap. And it’s got some pretty fabric on the outside, but it contains [shielding fabric]—and layers of that. So when I visit a friend, and they’ve got a Wi-Fi router, and I want to make sure I sleep well, because the Wi-Fi depletes your melatonin and makes you more vulnerable to sleep problems. So if you want to good-night’s sleep, turn-off the
Wi-Fi. But if I visit a friend and the Wi-Fi is all hooked-up to their phone system or their entertainment system and it’s a pain-in-the-neck for them to disconnect it, I simply throw this over their router for the night, and it just blocks the levels. And so it’s phenomenal.
Or you might want to make a cell phone case out of that. Line the cell phone case for that. I would not recommend it for clothing. Anything on the body, absolutely not, because the way radiation flows in your body, it spreads and dissipates. So, some people I’ve heard made baseball caps lined with that kind of fabric and they think, “Oh I’m going through an airport and I want to block my head from getting zapped by all the radiation.”
But what actually happens is you might block it from getting into your head but the radiation is getting in all the rest of your body and it dissipates and starts spreading out internally. And then what happens when it gets up here? It gets trapped underneath that cap with that fabric.
So you really don’t want to use clothing that has these shielding properties. It would be much smarter to work on you environment. This is a meter that is similar to the orange ball meter, it doesn’t give you a read-out, but it gives you a sound. And so you can tell if you’re in—for example, if somebody had a cell phone, we would be able to see the noise get a lot more—Did you hear how it quickened? The faster pace. So that’s what your body is experiencing, think of it that way. These are the pulses that your body is experiencing when you’re exposed to the microwave radiation.
Epoch Times: Camilla, thank you very, very much for these very helpful tips. I think we’re all better equipped to better protect ourselves and our families now.
Ms. Rees: You’re very welcome, it’s a pleasure to be here. Editor Note: Use this meter to detect RF radiation that may be affecting your health!