Two members of congress (Jerry McNerney, D- Stockton, CA and Matt Cartwright, D- PA) have introduced a congressional bill (HR 2685) that would apparently require all electricity providers (including rural cooperatives and municipal utilities) to join the smart grid and install smart meters.

In addition the bill would require appliances with the Energy Star label to include wireless transmitters that cannot be turned off, in order to communicate (and presumably cough up your private data and respond to orders from Big Brother Smart Grid to switch you off at a moments notice, as happened to dozens of people in Northern California recently when their not-so-smart-AC program cut off their air conditioning at the height of the recent heat wave.)  The bill would also establish a smart grid information center that would presumably create pro-smart grid propaganda at the taxpayers expense.  Sounds like the marriage between industry and government is about to be consummated- unless you take action and restrict this perverse love affair.
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