Original Source

Stop Smart Meters! has released the third edition of our popular and educational "Are They Smart for You?" smart meter awareness color brochures.

What's new in the third edition:
  • New Smart Meter Radiation Comparison Chart and online analysis produced in collaboration with SmartGridAwareness.Org
  • Types of “smart” meters (AMI, AMR, PLC, ERT, trojan horse etc…)
  • Smart Meters are NOT Green section
  • Revised, more detailed action items
  • A 2″ x 2 5/8″ space (2 standard address labels) on the back to add local information (group, utility, govt. contact)
The brochures still include a chart documenting bill increases, “The Path of Your Privacy” diagram, as well as updated sections on health and fire risks.  Hard copies are now available for purchase (100 for $19.95) in their online store. You can download the pdf here.

Brochure Information

The brochures are global and can be distributed anywhere in the world.   There is space on the back of the brochure to place 1 or 2 Avery address labels, that you can customize with your local (advocacy group, utility and government) contact info.  Labels with Northern California (PG&E/ CPUC) info can be included with store orders upon request. Inquire about bulk rates.

If you have a low income and cannot afford to purchase and would like to distribute these brochures in your area, please e-mail us with your situation, and we may be able to provide copies, thanks to generous donors.  Likewise if you are able to support brochures being made available to low income areas, please donate today.

Distribute the brochures in your local area!  Farmer’s Markets and  food stores are good places to hand them out.  You can also put a stack at friendly businesses, and knock on doors in your neighborhood (leaving one on their door if they do not answer).  Organize a “smart meter free zone” in your neighborhood.
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