Posted by Bob on 10/14/2014 to
"Smart" Meters
Original Source
(WXYZ) Rochester Hills, Mich. - Carole Garcia showed us the smart meters on the back of her Rochester Hills home.
But she says, she's scared to stand near it for too long.
"A bloody nose... headache... vertigo... insomnia," are the symptoms she says she has suffered from since she moved in.
"Within 6 months I started having these health issues," she says.
She blames it all on the meters---which use electromagnetic frequency to send DTE energy power usage data.
She even showed us letters from her doctors asking DTE to allow her to opt out of the new meters.
"Right now we don't have a choice and an option," says Garcia.
She's not alone. 7 Action News has been reporting on this debate for some time.
Last year, we heard from other Metro Detroiters.
"I suffered headaches, body aches, flu-like symptoms," said Lillian Cusumano.
But DTE contends the meters are safe, and secure low-power radio-transmissions are used. They also say they have only gotten a small number of complaints.
Garcia believes, that's because the public isn't aware of what the meters are doing.
At least one state representative has stepped forward showing concern, and it is now up to the speaker of the House to determine if a hearing will take place on the matter.