Mobile phones are 'cooking' men's sperm
Posted by Robert Daniel on 3/3/2016 to
Study finds sperm levels of men who kept their phones in their pocket during the day were quite seriously affected in 47 per cent of cases
Tips on How to Save Energy and Money without a ‘Smart’ Meter
Posted by Robert Daniel on 3/1/2016 to
"Smart" Meters
Well, you don’t need a smart meter to save energy. If you perform any number of the actions listed in this article, you will save energy and money. By reviewing your next monthly utility bill, you’ll get an idea of how much you saved.
Families Punished by ‘Smart’ Meters and Time-Of-Use Rates, Recent Study Confirms
Posted by Robert Daniel on 2/25/2016 to
"Smart" Meters
Tiered pricing automatically penalizes the elderly, the self-employed, the infirm, the unemployed, stay-at-home parents with young children and anyone else who functions on a normal daylight schedule.
TEDx Talk: “Wireless Wake-Up Call”
Posted by Robert Daniel on 2/23/2016 to
A TEDxBerkeley Presentation about the Health Impacts of Wireless Technology and Proposed Solutions
A Message to Dads about Wireless Safety
Posted by Robert Daniel on 2/18/2016 to
This five minute video is a wake up call for dads who believe wireless radiation has been proven to be completely safe.
EMF Controversy Exposed
Posted by Robert Daniel on 2/16/2016 to
Dirty Electricity
In 2014, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted “We recommend caution in cellphone use,” on their website. Within weeks of posting their cell phone caution online, the passage was removed, along with a section that addressed potential risks of cell phone use for children. More than 500 pages of internal records suggest controversy at the agency over how to address cell phone risks, including disagreements about such risks among its scientists.
Li-Fi has just been tested in the real world, and it's 100 times faster than Wi-Fi
Posted by Robert Daniel on 2/11/2016 to
Expect to hear a whole lot more about Li-Fi - a wireless technology that transmits high-speed data using visible light communication (VLC) - in the coming months. With scientists achieving speeds of 224 gigabits per second in the lab using Li-Fi earlier this year, the potential for this technology to change everything about the way we use the Internet is huge.
Electromagnetic Radiation Soup
Posted by Robert Daniel on 2/9/2016 to
What affect does the electromagnetic radiation from a cell tower have on wildlife? What about the effect on humans? This twenty minute presentation dives into these issues and even features a video (within the posted video) audibly exposing the wireless transmissions of different wireless devices.
Effects of GSM EMR on permeability of blood-brain barrier in rats
Posted by Robert Daniel on 2/4/2016 to
With the increased use of mobile phones, their biological and health effects have become more important. Usage of mobile phones near the head increases the possibility of effects on brain tissue. This study was designed to investigate the possible effects of pulse modulated 900MHz and 1800MHz radio-frequency radiation on the permeability of blood-brain barrier of rats.
Psychiatric symptoms associated with exposure to non-ionizing EMR from mobile telephones
Posted by Robert Daniel on 2/2/2016 to
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone base stations and psychiatric symptoms.