Could WiFi be harming YOUR health?
Posted by Bob on 11/28/2014 to
The list of places off-limits to Mary Coales is extensive: The 63-year-old can’t go to theaters, restaurants, airports, or parks. Mary has electromagnetic hypersensitivity intolerance syndrome (EHS), and more than 3 million people think they have electro-sensitivity.
The Smart Meter Fight in California
Posted by Bob on 11/25/2014 to
"Smart" Meters
The Smart Meter Fight in California is not going well but there are some very credible people continuing to push the issues and I believe they will make gains in the near future. We must pay attention to what is going on in California. They are fighting the same battles as we are and we may learn something from their wins and losses.
Implications of the BioInitiative 2012 Report for Smart Meters and Smart Appliances
Posted by Bob on 11/25/2014 to
"Smart" Meters
Physicist Ronald M. Powell (Ph.D., Harvard University, 1975) explains, in lay terms, the implications of the BioInitiative 2012 Report for Smart Meters and Smart Appliances. He compares the low RF power density levels at which biological effects were reported in the RF Color Charts in the Report to the calculated RF power density levels that Smart Meters and Smart Appliances can produce.
Dirty Electricity by Dr. Samuel Milham
Posted by Bob on 11/20/2014 to
Dirty Electricity
When Thomas Edison began wiring New York City with a direct current electricity distribution system in the 1880s, he gave humankind the magic of electric light, heat, and power; in the process, though, he inadvertently opened a Pandora’s Box of unimaginable illness and death.
“Smart” Meters Pulse Radiation 700 Times as Often as Claimed by San Antonio's CPS
Posted by Bob on 11/18/2014 to
"Smart" Meters
On Friday, CPS Energy of San Antonio, Texas made the claim to reporters that their “smart” meters only transmit once every four hours: “Where typical analog meters get checked once a month or so by a meter reader, the new devices send signals ... every four hours ...” So we decided to take a radio-frequency analyzer and check whether CPS was being honest about the transmission characteristics of its meters.
Opponents want to pull plug on CPS Energy's smart meters
Posted by Bob on 11/18/2014 to
"Smart" Meters
Some San Antonio electric customers are calling for a halt to the installation of smart meters. The group says CPS Energy's new devices will affect customers' health and privacy. Oliver Holden spoke with KENS 5 in the comfort of his bedroom, where he worries that where he lays his head may become a health hazard.
The widely unreported dangers of electromagnetic pollution
Posted by Bob on 11/13/2014 to
Since the 1930s, scientists have been concerned about the health risks associated with electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These electromagnetic frequencies can cause dizziness, headaches, blood sugar imbalances, anxiety and, even, cancer. In fact, is was Samuel Milham, MD, MPH -- author of Dirty Electricity -- who first alerted the world to the frightening links between occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic pollution and human disease.
44 Reasons to believe cell phones can cause cancer
Posted by Bob on 11/13/2014 to
Cell phones emit microwave radio-frequency radiation. Fact. This radiation has the ability to penetrate our bodies. Fact. The government does nothing to protect us from these dangers. Fact. And yet there is strong evidence, multiple peer reviewed studies, to indicate that cell phones cause cancer and other diseases.
Saskatchewan's SaskPower 'Smart' Meters Catch Fire When It Rains
Posted by Bob on 11/11/2014 to
"Smart" Meters
An independent review in Canada revealed that smart meters are experiencing catastrophic failures when rain water (and/or condensation along with other contaminants) gets into the smart meters themselves, causing arcing across electronic components with eventual failure of the meter. Well, last Thursday night it rained in Regina, Saskatchewan, and there was another smart meter fire.
Indiana Duke Energy customers: Now's your chance to avoid mandatory 'smart' meters!
Posted by Bob on 11/11/2014 to
"Smart" Meters
Duke Energy is proposing a plan to require smart meters be installed at all homes and businesses in their service territory. State utility regulators are taking public comments on the case before and during a hearing this Wednesday in Bloomington.