People often wonder if using Stetzerizer filters will reduce their electricity bill. There are many companies marketing plug-in or hard-wired devices that claim to do just this. These devices are very similar in that they are a capacitor or bank of capacitors. Having numerous Stetzerizer filters in your home is a capacitor bank.
So would you like to know the truth?
The short answer is that yes, it is possible to reduce electric bills using Stetzerizer filters. However, it may not do so in every circumstance, or the extent to which the bill is reduced is different in every circumstance.
We do not market our filters for this purpose. These filters were designed to save lives and restore health. However, they do do the same thing as "power saving devices" and it's likely our filters are both more effective and more cost effective.
Some inductive loads like fans and motors can benefit from the filters. Normally, electricity would be lost to heat and high frequency dirty power generated by the motor. This high frequency energy can't be used by the motor or other devices, but you have still be charged for it at your electric meter. A capacitor can in essence recycle this, restoring it to 60hz, and allow you to use it.
High frequency electricity can also sometimes make meters spin faster than they normally would. So for both reasons, it is possible to save on your electric bill using our filters. You may very well be overcharged right now for inductive loads and dirty electricity. You may be paying for electricity that you can't use. The capacitors can allow you to use this, and this can cause your meter to record your usage more accurately. You're not actually "using" less electricity, but your meter is recording it more accurately.
Companies selling the "energy savers" devices often claim you can save 20-50% or more. I would not expect these kinds of savings in any typical home or apartment. 0-10% would be more realistic, and anymore than that would be very lucky. Businesses, typically having more inductive loads, would probably see more savings than homes.
The way to tell if you're saving is to look at your electrical usage, not necessarily the dollar figure cost. Your electric prices could have changed, so be sure to look at your kilowatt hour usage. Compare to the same month last year, and nearby months. Remember that seasonal usage varies depending on air conditioning, heating, fans, etc.
We are not actively testing our filters to see how often they can reduce recorded electrical usage. This is because our filters serve a much more important need - health. We have tested these other power saving devices and have found that our filters can actually perform better on the Microsurge Meter. Also, since Stetzerizer filters are intended to be placed on each circuit, filters will likely be located closer to inductive motors, providing more efficiency.
Adding filters to inductive loads can decrease the demand upon the utility. The amount of energy required to do a task does not change, but the extra energy lost to inefficiency can be reduced. Electric meters are supposed to account for power factor but it's possible especially with newer electronic meters that this isn't done correctly and the consumer is being over-billed for electricity they aren't using. This obviously benefits the power companies. While capacitors can reduce their demand, they probably don't like them very much since it's possible for consumers to lower their bills due to flawed meter readings.
Did you just buy your Stetzerizer filters? Mark down the day you installed them, and look at your electric bills. We would love to hear that your bill was lowered!!!
A couple of articles you may find interesting for more information on this topic:
US Dept. of Energy publication on power factor improvement with capacitors
Wikipedia: Power factor correction
NIST Technical Note 1654
Article about deceptions of power saving devices
So would you like to know the truth?
The short answer is that yes, it is possible to reduce electric bills using Stetzerizer filters. However, it may not do so in every circumstance, or the extent to which the bill is reduced is different in every circumstance.
We do not market our filters for this purpose. These filters were designed to save lives and restore health. However, they do do the same thing as "power saving devices" and it's likely our filters are both more effective and more cost effective.
Some inductive loads like fans and motors can benefit from the filters. Normally, electricity would be lost to heat and high frequency dirty power generated by the motor. This high frequency energy can't be used by the motor or other devices, but you have still be charged for it at your electric meter. A capacitor can in essence recycle this, restoring it to 60hz, and allow you to use it.
High frequency electricity can also sometimes make meters spin faster than they normally would. So for both reasons, it is possible to save on your electric bill using our filters. You may very well be overcharged right now for inductive loads and dirty electricity. You may be paying for electricity that you can't use. The capacitors can allow you to use this, and this can cause your meter to record your usage more accurately. You're not actually "using" less electricity, but your meter is recording it more accurately.
Companies selling the "energy savers" devices often claim you can save 20-50% or more. I would not expect these kinds of savings in any typical home or apartment. 0-10% would be more realistic, and anymore than that would be very lucky. Businesses, typically having more inductive loads, would probably see more savings than homes.
The way to tell if you're saving is to look at your electrical usage, not necessarily the dollar figure cost. Your electric prices could have changed, so be sure to look at your kilowatt hour usage. Compare to the same month last year, and nearby months. Remember that seasonal usage varies depending on air conditioning, heating, fans, etc.
We are not actively testing our filters to see how often they can reduce recorded electrical usage. This is because our filters serve a much more important need - health. We have tested these other power saving devices and have found that our filters can actually perform better on the Microsurge Meter. Also, since Stetzerizer filters are intended to be placed on each circuit, filters will likely be located closer to inductive motors, providing more efficiency.
Adding filters to inductive loads can decrease the demand upon the utility. The amount of energy required to do a task does not change, but the extra energy lost to inefficiency can be reduced. Electric meters are supposed to account for power factor but it's possible especially with newer electronic meters that this isn't done correctly and the consumer is being over-billed for electricity they aren't using. This obviously benefits the power companies. While capacitors can reduce their demand, they probably don't like them very much since it's possible for consumers to lower their bills due to flawed meter readings.
Did you just buy your Stetzerizer filters? Mark down the day you installed them, and look at your electric bills. We would love to hear that your bill was lowered!!!
A couple of articles you may find interesting for more information on this topic:
US Dept. of Energy publication on power factor improvement with capacitors
Wikipedia: Power factor correction
NIST Technical Note 1654
Article about deceptions of power saving devices